Phlebography 2

**Plebography** is a method of examining blood vessels (veins) using X-rays or ultrasound rays. It allows you to assess the condition of the veins and identify possible diseases. This research method is one of the most effective in diagnosing varicose veins. This expansion of the deep veins occurs as a result of dysfunction of the valve apparatus, which leads to stagnation of blood and an increase in the diameter of the lumen of the veins. One of the main causes of varicose veins is hereditary factors, but often various heart and vascular diseases, pregnancy, and obesity lead to varicose veins. Phlebography plays an important role in diagnosing varicose veins. Based on the results of phlebography, the doctor selects the optimal treatment option for the patient. Currently, laser coagulation of veins and microsclerotherapy are the most common. Treatment is individual and determined by the stage of the disease and the age of the patient. The principle of venography is that during the study a contrast agent is administered intravenously. It is evenly distributed throughout the veins and vessels, allowing you to obtain a clear image of all anatomical structures.

Today, venography is rarely prescribed, because as a method of early diagnosis it has been replaced by more modern examination methods - compression duplex sonography and vey-compression duplex ultrasound scanning. They do not require the introduction of a contrast agent into the venous bed, are much less invasive and do not contribute to the occurrence of complications. In addition, these techniques are completely non-contact, therefore, such manipulations are possible in the absence of allergic reactions to latex, as well as during pregnancy.

In modern medicine, there are many diagnostic methods that allow us to identify various diseases and disorders in the human body. One of these methods is phlebography, which is a graphical display of pulse oscillations of the vascular wall. This method has several names, including hemodynamic venography or phlebocavography. It is used to study veins with varicose veins, vascular diseases, thrombophlebitis and other pathologies. Phlebography method 2 is used for the differential diagnosis of pulmonary and right ventricular heart failure, valvular stenosis of the aorta and pulmonary arteries, congenital heart defects, mitral infarction, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary embolism, volume overload of the right ventricle, etc. The purpose of a phlebographic study is to determine the shape of the pulse, its filling, pulse filling, and the length of time between pulse waves. The amplitude and speed of blood flow is also assessed when the patient is in an upright position, which characterizes cardiac activity. If the results of the study do not correspond to the norm, this may indicate the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system and impaired blood circulation in the body. Phlebography is an important diagnostic method for determining the course of pathology of the cardiovascular system. This technique is safe for the patient’s health and can be performed both on an outpatient basis and