Physiology Age

Age physiology studies the patterns of the body’s vital activity at different periods of a person’s life. She explores the peculiarities of the functioning of various organs and systems depending on age.

During the development of the body, the formation and extinction of various functions occurs. For example, in childhood, functions such as vision, hearing, coordination of movements are formed, as well as the growth and development of the body. During adulthood, certain functions decline, such as the growth and development of bones, muscles and other tissues.

Age-related physiology also studies the changes that occur in the human body during aging. During this period, changes occur in the functioning of organs and systems, such as a decrease in muscle mass, decreased vision and hearing, changes in metabolism, and others.

The study of age-related physiology is of great importance for medicine and healthcare. Knowledge of the functioning of the body at different age periods helps doctors and other specialists correctly diagnose diseases and select treatment. In addition, knowledge of age-related physiology can help people maintain health and prolong life.

Age-related physiology Age-related physiology is a section of fundamental science that studies age-related characteristics of life. She studies the patterns of formation and the course of vital functions in the body, from embryonic development to old age. Based on knowledge in the field of anatomy, biochemistry, physiology and genetics, scientists

Physiology of age is a branch of science about a living organism that studies the features of its functioning depending on age. This section of zoology examines not only physiological changes, but also the mental characteristics of people at different ages. He also studies the causes of age-related diseases. This science is widely used in medicine, psychology, sports, pedagogy and other fields. In this article we will consider the basic provisions of age, and also study the physiological features of the functioning of the human body under various age-related conditions. Physiology examines the structural features and functions of human and animal organisms. The influence of external conditions such as food, temperature, physical activity on the body and vital processes is studied. The section of physiology that studies man in all aspects of adaptation to the conditions of his existence is called age-related physiology; This section studies age-related changes in the physical and mental development of a person, age-related aspects of metabolism - energy, water, mineral, vitamin, acid-base. Age-related physiology manifests itself most clearly in the process of human aging. Old age is complex; it is accompanied by pathological changes throughout the body. A significant role here is played by the loss of regulatory mechanisms, disturbances in the field of adaptation to the environment, involutive processes in tissues, organs and systems, the development of chronic diseases, lack of safety margin in the body, and the presence of post-adaptation syndrome. Age-related physiology is closely related to gerontology, occupational physiology, and more recently with pediatrics, gerontology, neurology and other sciences. However, the age aspect is also present in any normal science of animals and plants, which considers the individual “from beginning to end” and in all phases of his life.