Piebald Skin

How to restore skin from pigmentation with vitiligo: traditional methods

Currently, science has not been able to create a means to rid the skin of pigment spots acquired as a result of vitiligo disease. But people suffering from the disease know that the disease can be treated only if its symptoms have disappeared under the influence of a favorable external environment and the internal reserves of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to fight not for the appearance of any pigment, but for smoothing the tone of the dermis, that is, slowing down its aging or restoring its healthy color.

Alas, folk remedies are not a panacea, but there are really effective skin care recipes. Although they give a short-term effect, they can still help get rid of unpleasant moments in life. Dermatologists recommend trying several methods based on the action of hydrogen peroxide.

One such method is to apply salicylic ointment to the affected skin. The skin should be wiped with ordinary cologne, dry thoroughly and apply the product. Once a day is enough. You can use the ointment throughout the entire treatment period. After just five applications, the epidermis will begin to receive visible positive effects.

Epsom salt baths. For this method, you need to dilute half a glass of sea salt and the same amount of ammonia in water. You can take a bath every day. The daily time for taking such a bath is about forty minutes. After this procedure, you need to lie in bed for a while. The procedure itself costs about five minutes. The course of treatment is six days, after which a break of ten days is required. The number of treatment courses is three. Treatment is carried out every six months. In addition to the effect on the dermis, this procedure also significantly reduces the pain threshold for vulvitis.