Duval's tweezers

Duval forceps are a unique instrument that was created to ensure maximum precision and reliability during microsurgical operations.


Duval forceps are a specially designed microsurgery instrument equipped with thin blades and a spring to apply pressure to achieve a more precise point of control over the object it grasps. This allows surgeons to create very precise and precise incisions without damaging the tissue during surgery.

- Using Duval tweezers is a popular choice for performing surgeries such as hair transplant, skin graft, lip correction, breast augmentation, etc. This instrument is used to grasp and hold delicate tissues such as skin and hair during surgery to protect them from damage and provide the surgeon with the opportunity to carry out more precise manipulations. - The creation of Duval forceps was the result of research and development carried out by microsurgeons and instrument manufacturers over many years. They wanted to create a tool that would provide maximum precision and safety during microsurgical operations.