Killian's Nutrient Medium

Killian's medium is a nutrient medium used for culturing microorganisms. It was developed and first described in 1903 by the German bacteriologist Joseph Killian.

Killian's medium contains malt wort extract, peptone and glucose as nutrient sources. It also contains inorganic salts such as phosphates to provide optimal conditions for the growth of microorganisms. The reaction of the medium is slightly alkaline, pH is 7.2-7.4.

Killian's nutrient medium is enriched, that is, it contains a large amount of nutrients. This allows a wide range of microorganisms to be cultivated on it, including bacteria and yeast. It is particularly well suited for the isolation of pathogenic microbes from clinical samples.

Killian's medium is still widely used in microbiology laboratories for cultivating various microorganisms for diagnostic studies.