
**Platiphylline** (**plestiphylline**) is an alkaloid obtained from the plant Atraphaxis spinosa. According to its chemical structure, it belongs to quaternary ammonium bases with weakly expressed anticholinergic activity and moderate antispasmodic effect. Causes a central anticholinergic effect (mainly gangliotropic in the small brain). It is used as an M-anticholinergic agent (for example, as a bronchodilator for bronchial asthma). In combination with atropine, plasiphyllinium is used to study the functions of the oculomotor system, as well as to determine certain types of congenital and acquired cataracts. The drug is also used as a treatment for gastrointestinal diseases (for example, gastro-duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis and intestinal spasms). Not included in prescription form standards.