
Among the large number of science fiction terms and works, there are several phenomena that literally overturn the foundations of how we are used to describing the external appearance of humanity and its internal organs. One such example is the plesianthropus. A plesianthrope, or otherwise humanoid, is a fictional creature that differs from humans in its small size and body structure, but at the same time has the same distinctive features, skills, knowledge, characteristics and qualities.

Among the main physical characteristics of a plesianthrope are several characteristics, such as reduced body size and structure. If you think that the size of such a creature is not important and it is impossible to get used to their miniature appearance, you are mistaken! The size of plesianotropes varies depending on the book and author. In one work the mystical character is small, while in another he may be about 20 feet tall. He resembles small bipedal people with long arms and legs, a body no longer than a man, wide cheekbones, a long nose, a high forehead and huge round eyes. Despite their small build, they not only have an elegant body, but also a powerful voice, suitable for the theater. Plesianthropes are characterized by beauty, grace, strength and determination, which makes them real screen stars. And the most amazing thing is that their miniature size does not in any way hinder their rationality and pragmatism in comparison, which they can easily defeat in a fight!

So, perhaps, the question of who can be considered the real winner worries the reader. Some literary critics argue that only a true person can become a winner for the plesianthrp, since only a person is capable of establishing his own laws, living in accordance with his own logic and actively using his mind to improve life. However, other people deny this idea and try to prove that they are the real winners in this struggle between two forces - small and inconspicuous or strong, powerful and mysterious, contradictory and amazing, bringing us so many pleasant moments. We, the reader, choose the side that is more interesting to us and on which we can feel like we are part of something bigger, powerful, hot! Man, human consciousness has always been famous for its ambiguity and attractiveness, so we continue to watch these little creatures, fascinated by their phenomenal appearance!