Submandibular Triangle

The submandibular triangle (trigonum submandibulare, pna; regio submaxillaris, bna; regio submandibularis, jna; synonym submandibular triangle) is an anatomical area of ​​the face located under the lower jaw.

This triangle is bounded above by the lower edge of the body of the lower jaw, in front - by the anterior edge of m. digastricus, behind - by the posterior edge of m. sternocleidomastoideus.

In the submandibular triangle are located:

  1. Submandibular salivary gland (glandula submandibularis)
  2. Submandibular lymph node (nodus lymphoideus submandibularis)
  3. Facial artery (a. facialis)
  4. Submandibular vein (v. submentalis)
  5. Mental nerve (n. mandibularis)

Thus, the submandibular triangle is an important anatomical area of ​​the face, containing a number of important structures and organs.

The submandibular triangle is the anatomical region that is located between the mandibular edge of the lower jaw and the hyoid bone. It has the shape of a triangle and is part of the sublingual space, which is located between the sublingual groove and the mandibular notch.

The submandibular region has several important functions. First, it serves as the attachment point for the masseter muscles, which help chew food and speak. Secondly, it is the location of the lymph nodes, which are responsible for protecting the body from infections. Thirdly, it contains many blood vessels and nerves that provide nutrition and sensation to the lower jaw, tongue and throat.

To avoid injury and damage, it is important to know the anatomy of the submandibular triangle. In particular, you should avoid hitting this area as it can be very sensitive. You should also avoid putting excessive pressure on the area during massage or other treatments.

Overall, the submandibular triangle is an important anatomical region that plays an important role in the functioning of the mandible and the entire face. However, to maintain health and prevent injury, it is necessary to know and follow proper handling of this area.