Polyarthritis Infectious-Allergic

Infectious-allergic polyartitis is a group of diseases that are associated with infectious processes and allergic reactions. It is characterized by inflammatory changes in the joints and tissues around them. The causes of such diseases can be many, including viral infections, bacteria and other microorganisms.

Polyarthritis is no less serious disease. This is damage to the joints, accompanied by inflammation, limitation of their mobility or deformation. And there is allergic polyarthritis - reactive polyarthritis. It develops after a short time after suffering inflammatory diseases, bronchitis, influenza, exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis.

What is this? Joints and cartilage can be affected by an infectious factor that causes a weakening of their immunity, which makes it possible to develop an allergy to a consonant stimulant of inflammation, or a substance released from human cell tissue, but which negatively affects the joints - a kind of allergen.