Polysubstance abuse

**_Polytoxicomania_** is a deviation consisting in a person’s desire to take large quantities of medications and drugs in order to obtain new feelings, emotions and sensations. This is one of the forms of drug addiction, the main component of which is the need to use toxic substances. The term “Polytoxicomania” describes people who practice intoxication by repeatedly taking small doses of drugs, most often drugs containing nicotine or nervous system stimulants (psychostimulants). This is a long period of use of the body, leading to its gradual intoxication.

In the latest version of the international classification of diseases, polytoxicomania has been excluded from the list of diseases. And this is because the harm is often not realized by those who take medications and even drugs, and it is also impossible to predict or prevent the long-term consequences of the toxic use of drugs, chemicals and drugs. That is why scientists currently do not have sufficiently convincing and accurate knowledge about the prognosis, completion and outcome of the disease. Although the desire to use drugs in small doses does exist to this day. People with this diagnosis are involved in creating toxic mixtures, as the thrill is replaced by chronic intoxication. There are many different groups of people in the world, among whom drug addicts present themselves as “fighters for freedom of spirit and substance”