Pollutionism is one of the strangest and most provocative phenomena in the sexual sphere. It is a form of masochism when a person seeks to stain his genitals with the secretions of his partner without the latter’s consent. Pollutionists describe such activities as very exciting and pleasurable for them, but for most people it poses a serious health threat.
To complete the picture, it is necessary to clarify that half-life is not a typical manifestation of masochistic fantasies for all people. However, there is a category of people who prefer such extremes in sexual relationships. Typically, such people are characterized as more open and capable of unusual manifestations of feelings than most.
Historically, such behavior could not be considered widespread, but nowadays this phenomenon is increasingly observed in various cultures. The reason for this is globalization and the media space, which forces people to change behavioral patterns and excite themselves by any means.
Pollutionism in its most severe form can pose a potential health hazard. This is because disease transmission through sexual contact is one of the possible causes of death worldwide. Pollutionism is often accompanied by the presence of diseases such as herpes or syphilis, which requires attention from the medical system. In conditions of unavailability of qualified help for pollinationism, there is a high probability of infection. Diseases become dangerous risk factors for the further development of their course, and due to the lack of real attention, they can lead to serious consequences.