Pospelova Proba Probe

The Pospelov probe test is a method for diagnosing skin diseases, developed by Russian dermatologist Alexander Pospelov at the end of the 19th century. This method is based on the use of a special instrument - a Pospelov probe.

The Pospelov probe is a thin metal needle with a sharp end. During the test, a probe is inserted under the skin in the area of ​​a suspicious tumor or node. In this case, the probe is not just inserted into the tissue, but also carefully rotates around its axis in order to capture the maximum number of cells for subsequent research.

The resulting material is then sent for laboratory testing, where microscopic analysis is performed. The pospel test with a probe allows you to identify various diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fat, such as lipoma, fibroma, cyst, atheroma, basal cell carcinoma and others.

The Pospelova probe method was one of the first, which made it possible to carry out differential diagnosis of various skin diseases. Until this point, doctors relied only on the appearance of tumors and symptoms, which often led to misdiagnosis. Thanks to the Pospel test with a probe, dermatologists have a new tool for more accurately diagnosing skin diseases and choosing the most effective treatment.

Although the Pospel probe method was developed more than a hundred years ago, it remains relevant and is widely used in modern dermatology. Thanks to this method, doctors can quickly and accurately diagnose many skin diseases and treat them most effectively.

Pospel test with a probe (or skin probing) is a diagnostic method used in dermatology to assess the condition of the skin and identify various diseases. This method was developed by Russian dermatologist Alexander Ivanovich Pospelov in the 19th century.

To carry out a probe test, you must use a special probe, which is inserted into the skin to a depth of 2-3 mm. The doctor then slowly moves the probe back and forth, observing how the skin reacts to this movement. If the skin reacts to the movement of the probe, this may indicate the presence of inflammatory processes or other skin diseases.

The pospel test is a simple and effective diagnostic method that allows you to quickly and accurately determine the condition of the skin and identify possible diseases. However, this method is not a replacement for clinical examination and other diagnostic methods, and should only be used in combination with other methods.