
Preoperative: an important link in the operating process

The preoperative room is a room located next to the operating room, which plays an important role during surgical operations. In the preoperative room, personnel are prepared for surgery, used instruments are processed, instruments and sterile dressings are stored. It is an integral part of the surgical process and performs a number of important functions.

One of the main tasks of the preoperative is to prepare personnel for the operation. In this room, surgeons, anesthesiologists, operating room nurses and other medical staff can discuss the surgical plan, consider possible complications and take the necessary measures to prevent them. In addition, the preoperative staff performs the necessary manipulations to ensure the sterility of the operating room.

In the preoperative room, used instruments are also processed. After each operation, all instruments must be thoroughly cleaned, disinfected and sterilized. This is necessary to prevent infections and keep patients healthy. The preoperative room has specially equipped rooms for processing instruments and storing sterile dressings.

In addition, the preoperative room is a place for storing instruments and sterile materials. All instruments must be prepared in advance so that there are no delays or interruptions during the operation. In the preoperative room, the expiration date of sterile material and its quality are also monitored.

Thus, the preoperative room is an important link in the operating process. It performs a number of important functions that are aimed at ensuring the safety of patients and staff, as well as achieving the best surgical results. It is important to note that the correct organization of the preoperative work, its equipment and compliance with all sterility requirements are the key to successful operations.

The preoperative room is a room located next to the operating unit and is intended for preparing personnel for the operation, processing used instruments and storing sterile dressings. The preoperative room may also contain containers with disinfectant solutions and other necessary equipment for the operation.

All rules of hygiene and sanitation must be observed in the preoperative room. The room should be clean, bright and well ventilated. There should be special cabinets on the walls for storing tools and dressings, and mats for cleaning shoes on the floor.

Before the operation begins, all participants in the operation, including the surgeon, anesthesiologist and nurses, must enter the preoperative room. They must wear sterile suits and masks to avoid infection.

After the operation is completed, the room must be thoroughly cleaned using disinfectants. All used tools and materials must be processed and stored in special containers until next use.

The preoperative room is an important element of the operating room, as it ensures safety and comfort for everyone involved in the operation. Proper compliance with all rules and requirements in this room allows you to avoid possible complications and improve treatment results.