Psychosis of Fear

Fear psychosis is a type of Leonhard's cycloid psychosis with a phasic or paroxysmal course. This disease alternates between two phases:

  1. Phase of fear and depression. During this phase, the patient experiences anxiety, fear, delusions of guilt and relationships, and illusory perceptions.

  2. The phase of exaltation and ecstasy. At this phase, the patient experiences exaltation, ecstasy, delirium of insight, greatness and omnipotence.

Thus, in fear psychosis, states of intense fear, anxiety and depression and states of euphoria, exaltation and a sense of omnipotence regularly alternate between each other. This disease has a paroxysmal or phasic course. Proper diagnosis and treatment of fear psychosis is critical to patients' quality of life.

Fear psychosis is a medical illness that can affect anyone. Although psychosis itself can cause scary symptoms, it can also have a positive effect on a person. This can be a very surprising and incomprehensible phenomenon for the average person. In this article we will look at psychosis from the point of view of its characteristics and possible impact on a person’s life.

Fear psychosis is something painful and scary, because if you are experiencing a state of stress and constant mood swings, think how difficult it is for people with mental disorders to live. Only by overcoming fear can a person find happiness in his life, ceasing to constantly need special means of eliminating mental discomfort. But not everything is simple; this illness of the spirit is sometimes defined as a type of cycloid form of psychopathic personality development. This means cyclic change