Pulmonology Center

Pulmonology (from Latin pulmo - lung and Greek logos - word, teaching) is a branch of medicine. Pulmonology deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the human respiratory system. This section of medicine includes not only the lungs (i.e., the respiratory department) and the chest cavity as a whole (the retrosternal portion of the chest), but also the pleura, diaphragm, intervertebral discs, upper parts of the trachea, cervical lymph nodes; in addition, many diseases of the abdominal organs are also in one way or another associated with pathology of the respiratory system (for example, pneumonia during pregnancy).

Pulmonologists diagnose and treat:

- bronchitis (acute, chronic and obstructive); - pneumonia; - bronchiectasis; - pleurisy; - lung cancer, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis.

Therapists also use instrumental and hardware research methods to make the correct diagnosis: radiography, fluorography, spirography, assessment of the condition of the larynx, MRI and CT of the thoracic spine.

Pulmonology centers

Pulmonologists are specialists involved in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the lungs and bronchi. The Center organized at our Center is aimed at preventing, diagnosing and treating respiratory diseases for children and adults.

What kind of people are these?

Child, but in addition to minor lung diseases (cough, cold, flu). A pulmonologist diagnoses bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, cancer, and diseases of the paranasal sinuses. The most terrible diseases are directly related to the lungs and if you ignore the symptoms, then you are at risk of developing COPD. It's a shame that few people know about this. Therefore, seek advice immediately! And under no circumstances should you drag out your lung problems until the last stage! Remember: statistically, the more chronic the cough, the higher the risk of cancer. From this we can conclude that time is the most valuable resource! It is lost every day by everyone who does not see a doctor when symptoms of lung pathology appear. After all, we spend from 2 to 4 hours a day healing simple diseases of the throat and gums, devoting at least 30 minutes to treating our lungs with various cough sprays, antihistamines and hormonal drugs, steroids, and it’s good if 5-10 minutes for rinsing or inhalation, instead of basic weight loss, weight loss and anti-stress training. Moreover, in the presence of a general weakening of the immune system and chronic diseases, the herpes virus can provoke serious complications - from an ulcer on the lip to the formation of a membrane on the liver and lungs. And the common tuberculosis bacillus can transform into a very dangerous form - bubo. Its treatment may take years.