
Cutraceae - Apocynaceae. Parts used: bark. Pharmacy name: quebracho cortex (formerly: Cortex Quebracho).

Botanical description. This vigorous evergreen tree, native to western Argentina, Chile and Bolivia, is the only one of the 50 species of Aspidosperma that has medicinal uses. The quebracho tree, 13-20 m tall, is easy to recognize, since its crown shape resembles our weeping willow.

Collection and preparation. The gray or yellowish-brown bark is removed from an adult tree, air-dried and sold in large, rolled or bent pieces up to 3 cm in thickness.

Active ingredients. The raw material contains a significant amount of alkaloids, among which are quebraquine-johimbine and aspidospermine.

Healing action and application. Official medicine gained its knowledge about the quebracho tree from the folk medicine of Argentina and Bolivia. There, the bark and water and alcohol infusions prepared from it are used as a remedy against suffocation, fever, liver diseases and for general strengthening. In our country, preparations prepared from quebracho bark are used as a variety of cough remedies. They are especially effective for patients suffering from pneumoconiosis and spastic bronchitis, as well as for shortness of breath caused by cardiac asthma. Quebracho bark tea is used very rarely.

Use in homeopathy. In homeopathy, the drug Quebracho is used in dilutions of the second and third degrees (D1 and D1) for pulmonary diseases, bronchial and cardiac asthma, for shortness of breath due to heart disease, and also as a general tonic.

Side effects. Avoid overdose, which may cause vomiting.