Ovarian Cancer Folliculoid

Ovarian cancer of the folliculoid form is quite rare, but one of the most common cancers of the pelvic organs in women. Given its complexity and unpredictability of its course, it has no tendency to cure and ends in death in most cases. Despite this statement, medical specialists are developing new methods of treatment and diagnosis, which makes it possible to successfully support patients with this diagnosis.

Ovarian cancer is considered an independent pathology, which is classified as a separate type from the family of gynecological tumors. However, doctors insist that the presence of an ovarian tumor is a risk factor for the development of cancer of these organs.

The development of follicular ovarian cancer begins with the appearance of a tumor or tumor-core in benign ovarian tissue. At this stage, the doctor can consider the process initial and classify it as a precancerous cystic disease with atypicalities. When the tumor reaches a size of 20 mm or more, it begins to damage surrounding tissues, and then becomes stage 1 follicular ovarian cancer. Subsequently, the size of the tumor continues to increase, causing further spread up to the third stage.