Pull-off reaction

Pull-off reaction

The withdrawal reaction is a psychological reaction that occurs during prolonged isolation of a person from the team and the familiar environment. It is characterized by increased tension, excitement, anxiety, fear, or even causeless gaiety.

The causes of the detachment reaction can be different - a long stay in a confined space, away from other people (for example, during space flights or polar expeditions), being in captivity or forced hospitalization.

The main symptoms of the pull-off reaction are:

  1. Increased irritability, aggressiveness.

  2. Anxiety, fear, worry. Feeling of insecurity and loneliness.

  3. Insomnia, nightmares in sleep.

  4. Hallucinations and delusions.

  5. Emotional instability, sudden mood swings.

To overcome the withdrawal reaction, it is important to restore social contacts and return to the usual rhythm of life. Psychotherapy, medication, yoga and meditation can also help. The main thing is to help a person adapt to new conditions and prevent the development of more serious mental disorders.

The withdrawal reaction (P) is a psychological reaction that occurs in a person during a long period of absence of contact with other people. It is characterized by tension, agitation, anxiety and fear. This may be due to various factors, such as prolonged isolation, change of residence, moving to a new job or study, moving to another country or city.

The withdrawal reaction can manifest itself differently in different people. Some may experience unreasonable cheerfulness, while others may feel fear and anxiety. This is due to the individual characteristics of the individual and his ability to adapt to new conditions.

In order to cope with the withdrawal reaction, it is necessary to find ways to adapt to new conditions and establish contacts with the people around you. This may include meeting new friends, participating in social events, attending cultural events, reading books and watching films.

It is also important to understand that the withdrawal reaction is a normal process that happens to all people at certain periods of life. It is important not to be afraid of this state and not to try to suppress it. Instead, you should learn to manage your emotions and find ways to adapt to your new environment.