Plantar reflex

Plantar reflex

Reflexology is a science that studies the corrective mechanisms and biological status of living organisms in order to develop physiological (increasing the body's resistance), neuropsychic and physical abilities of a person by using them as a means of communication with the environment and restoring sensorimotor actions of nerve centers directed through the channels of biological feedback, appropriate influences. In the system of professional training of vehicle drivers, to increase attention to road safety and prevent erroneous actions, training in driving a car occupies an important place. In the theory and methodology of training cadets, patterns of their transition from simpler programs for controlling complex motor systems to complex program actions have been established. Methods have been created for determining the level of preparedness and changing its state under the influence of educational influences. The conditions necessary for training and education of qualified specialists and improvement of technology at all stages of management activities have been determined. The dependencies have been studied and the pedagogical conditions for constructing a motor functional system that ensure effective driving have been determined. Based on the conducted research, data were obtained on the level of training of cadets in traffic rules. This has made it possible to develop some ways to increase the efficiency of perception and processing of information necessary to prevent emergency situations and correctly perform driving techniques. The success of the development of the theory and methodology of teaching driving a car lags significantly behind the growing demands of life and the real possibilities of modern transport, which is largely explained by the fact that the theoretical principles developed earlier do not take into account many factors that arise in the process of driving a car, such as the complexity of the urban road situation, individual features of psychophysiological functions and actions of trainees, features of the driver’s work actions, psychological state, sense of danger, mental activity of the driver. But the limitation of using traditional pedagogical approaches to solving professional problems of a driver to improve driving techniques, in which psychological and psychophysiological factors predominate, is especially acute. The development of driver skills is associated with the improvement of his moral attitudes, self-regulation of thinking and behavior in difficult conditions of activity on the road while increasing its safety. The author believes: ensuring travel safety is factor influencing the preparedness of drivers as vehicle operators. Ensuring traffic safety is one of the main problems in the field of training. The educational process of driver training involves the active participation of students in the practical development of certain skills while entrusting them with responsibility for life.