Puuseppa reflex

The Puusepp reflex is a reflex that occurs when the abdominal nerves are irritated. It was discovered by the Finnish physiologist Puuseppe in 1907. The reflex manifests itself in the contraction of the muscles of the abdominal wall when the abdominal nervous system is irritated.

The Puusepp reflex plays an important role in regulating the tone of the abdominal wall muscles. It can also be used in the diagnosis of abdominal diseases such as peritoneal inflammation and peritonitis.

To perform the Puusepp reflex, it is necessary to insert a needle into the abdominal cavity through the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The doctor then stimulates the abdominal nerves, causing the abdominal muscles to contract and cause pain.

Thus, the Puusepp reflex is an important tool for the diagnosis and treatment of abdominal diseases. It allows you to determine the tone of the muscles of the abdominal wall, identify inflammation and other diseases.