Recombination of Viruses

Viruses are among the smallest and most common organisms on Earth. They can cause serious illness in humans and animals. Viral recombination is the process of exchange of genetic information between two different viruses that infect the same cell. This process can lead to the creation of new viruses that have new properties and may be more dangerous to human health.

Viral recombination occurs when the genetic materials of two different viruses mix when they infect the same cell. This can happen when one virus infects a cell that is already infected by another virus. In this case, the genetic materials of both viruses mix and form a new virus, which may have new properties.

One example of viral recombination is the creation of the influenza virus. The influenza virus is made up of two types of viruses: influenza A virus and influenza B virus. When these two viruses infect the same cell, they can exchange genetic materials and create a new influenza virus that has new properties and may be more dangerous to human health.