Scars Stamped

Stamped scars are round, depressed skin scars of the same size that form at the site of a tubercular rash.

Such scars are called “stamped” because of their uniform appearance, reminiscent of stamp marks. They have a regular round or oval shape with an indentation in the center.

Stamped scars are formed after the healing of elements of certain skin diseases, accompanied by the appearance of tubercles and papules (nodules). Such diseases include chicken pox, lichen simplex, and erysipelas.

The reason for the appearance of stamped scars is the destruction of the tubercles and the filling of the resulting depressions with connective tissue. Their localization depends on the location of the primary rash.

To prevent the formation of rough scars after healing of the elements, it is important to prevent their mechanical damage and carry out preventive and reparative measures.

Stamped scars are round, depressed skin scars of the same size that appear at the site of the tubercles. They can form due to various reasons, such as injuries, burns, infections, allergic reactions and other skin diseases.

Stamped scars can have different sizes and shapes, from small dots to large bumps. Depending on the cause, they may be pink or red and may be smooth or rough to the touch.

Treatment for stamped scars depends on the cause of their occurrence and may include the use of various methods such as laser therapy, collagen injections, chemical peels and others. It is also important to take proper care of your skin to prevent the appearance of new scars and improve the appearance of old ones.

It is important to understand that stamped scars can be quite an unpleasant cosmetic defect, but with proper treatment and skin care you can achieve good results.