Sanitation1 In Epidemiology

Sanitation1 in epidemiology is a set of measures1 carried out2 for the purpose3 of freeing (epidemiologically significant surface?) the human body4,5, his6 clothes7, things8 of permanent9 use10 and? home11 from? pathogens12 infectious? diseases? and/or? their? carriers.?

Sanitization1 is carried out2 how? in period 13? discharge? infectious? patient14 at the site15 of infection16? (in? all? cases17)? visiting18 them19 the source15 of illness20 (usual21 place22 work23 or? study)? or? contact24 s? sick25 persons26? or? objects27 of the external1 environment28 ?with? goal2? prevention29? infections2 in30? time31? stay32 healthy? person33 in? focus34 of infection35 ?and36 after? hospitalization37 patient38,? departure34 from? populated area4041 on? long42 ?period43 of time44? (rest45? - fishing46 - mushrooms47-fishing48? ?- tourism

Sanitation (SD) in epidemiology is a set of measures aimed at freeing the surface of the human body. (rarely - an animal), its clothes (including outerwear - coats) and other items from pathogens (infectious agents) and (or from carriers, which can be insects, animals, fish, other animals).

The purpose of sanitization is to free the patient, his family members and medical personnel from pathogenic microbes or eggs, midges, contaminated or wet clothing to prevent infection.

Health education of the population and teachers is an important component of hygienic education. Rational behavior, compliance with the norms and rules of personal and public hygiene depend on hygienic literacy (knowledge in the field of hygiene). The main task of hygienic education on disinfection, disinfestation, deratization, sanitization and