Seborrhea Psoriasiformis

Seborrhea is a chronic disease that manifests itself in excessive secretion of sebum or oil. It can have a variety of forms, including psoriasiform seborrhea. This disease is typical for the scalp, face and other areas of the body where increased fat formation is observed. As it develops, plaques with scales appear on the head, face, and body. In men, plaques form on the scalp and face, in women - on the face and head.

Psoriasis is a serious inflammatory skin disease that is characterized by red, scaly, and painful patches of skin. Psoriasis can appear on various parts of the body, including the head and face. The development of seborrhea can be accompanied by various symptoms, such as itching, burning, dry skin and others. Seborrheic dermatitis (seborrhea), a type of skin inflammation, is a chronic skin disease. Its main symptom is increased oiliness (sebum) of the skin (seborrhea). The pathology has a recurrent course; frequent exacerbations affect not only the sebaceous glands, but also many other organs. The disease in most cases disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result of inflammation of the auditory, visual and vestibular apparatus, the risk of hearing loss, decreased visual acuity, and dizziness increases. Exacerbations of seborrhea cause frequent infectious pathologies and parasitic diseases.