Spleen Sago

Sagovaya's spleen: A mysterious phenomenon in medicine

The spleen is an organ that performs a number of important functions in the human body. It plays the role of a blood filter, participates in immune reactions and regulates blood formation. Typically, the spleen is soft in texture and pink-red in color. However, a rare condition known as sago spleen sometimes occurs.

Sago spleen is an unusual condition of the spleen in which it becomes enlarged in size and has a dense consistency. When sectioned, such a spleen reveals yellowish-gray areas that resemble sago grains. That is why it got its name - sago spleen.

Focal amyloid deposits are the main cause of sago spleen development. Amyloid is an abnormally configured protein that can accumulate in various human organs and tissues. In the case of the spleen, amyloid deposits are predominantly formed in the lymphoid follicles - specialized areas of the spleen where the process of formation and differentiation of lymphocytes occurs.

The exact reasons for the development of the sago spleen are not fully known. However, in some cases, this condition may be associated with disturbances in protein metabolism or hereditary factors. Also, sago spleen can be a consequence of other diseases, such as amyloidosis or multiple myeloma.

Clinical manifestations of the sago spleen may vary depending on the degree of damage to the organ and the presence of concomitant diseases. Some patients may not experience any symptoms and only become aware of the presence of sago spleen when examined for other reasons. Others may experience pain or discomfort in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen, fatigue, an increased susceptibility to infectious diseases, or a decrease in the number of red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells in the

Article about the Sagoth spleen

The spleen is one of the most important organs of the human digestive system. It is a glandular organ that performs many functions in the body, such as filtering blood and storing immune cells. However, sometimes a person may develop a condition that causes changes in the size and structure of the spleen. One of these diseases is the spleen of the sago - taken away