Seam Mattress

The mattress suture is one of the most common sutures in medicine and surgery. It is used to connect tissues such as skin, muscles, tendons and others. This seam creates a strong and secure seam that will not fray or unravel.

The mattress seam is performed as follows:

  1. The needle is inserted into the tissue on one side of the wound, then withdrawn to the other side.
  2. The thread is stretched and tied to the skin.
  3. The needle is reinserted into the tissue on the same side of the wound and withdrawn to the other.
  4. The thread is pulled again and tied.
  5. Repeat several times until the seam is completed.

This seam ensures a good connection between the fabrics and prevents the seam from coming apart. However, it can be more difficult to complete than other stitches and requires some skill and experience.

A mattress suture is a type of suture material in surgery that is used to connect tissues in places where reliable and durable fixation is required. This suture has several features that make it particularly effective when used on soft tissues.

First, the seam