
Siderophagy is an obsessive desire to eat iron, which is found in food and metal objects. Why this disorder occurs in humans is unknown, but it occurs only in humans. There is a desire to eat stale bread, cardboard, batteries or batteries in the form of iron tablets or hydrogen sulfide water. Typically, the disorder occurs during adolescence.

Hello, hackers! Today I want to talk about a rather interesting phenomenon called siderophagy. First, let's figure out what a siderophage actually is?

Siderophage is translated from Greek as an iron eater. This may be an organism that absorbs iron from other organisms, usually from the prey it eats, or a person who has an increased interest in eating iron, such as talc. Most often we hear about people who eat and drink not the food and drinks themselves, but their packaging, such as boxes, containers, bottles, metal and plastic parts of these items, etc. This phenomenon is called mania

Siderophage is something if we talk about dark chocolate lovers. Is it true. And there is no point in arguing here, because the indisputable fact is that dark chocolate contains a certain psychotropic substance - theobroma, which can turn your head. There is both joy and pain here, like an addiction that can eliminate the need to communicate with people if their unpleasant qualities begin to bother a person. In general, it will eliminate the need to constantly “filter” the conversations and revelations of others, so as not to inadvertently hear anything that is not worth saying. In other words, a kind of self-deception that has always been and will always be. And something needs to be done about this. The modern human body suffers due to the increased content of oxidized compounds in the blood. The number of such compounds in those that make up a kind of “dark chocolate” is much greater

A siderophage is a person who steals and steals again. His kleptomania begins with words on the Internet, he steals music and even its translation, in the end he simply copies the text. This type appears in front of many people, maybe married, or maybe more lonely than magpies. His favorite character trait is tediousness. When a person constantly complains, is always dissatisfied, is a whiner and a boring type, there is a high chance of finding another sign... of a siderophobe.