
Siderobrukhofon is when, after drinking a large amount of drink, obtained from food, a certain amount of iron is removed from the blood along with the blood. Siderobruchon is, strictly speaking, an increased amount of iron excreted from the body through the blood, which leads to certain disturbances in the functioning of the liver and heart, for example. The process is progressive depending on the amount of iron consumed.

Siderosyltosis is an occupational disease that occurs due to prolonged contact with dust containing oxides of silicon and iron. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in workers of construction and mining companies, as well as in people involved in the production of ceramics.

The source of the disease is prolonged contact with a substance containing iron and silicon oxides. Microparticles of these substances enter the body through the lungs, which leads to their accumulation in tissues and organs. As a result, their functions are disrupted and symptoms of the disease develop. Most often this is manifested by symptoms of respiratory failure, changes in the lung tissue, skeletal system and blood. However, some people may not experience these symptoms and continue to work.

When treating siderositolikos, special medications are used, such as antibiotics, which can help relieve inflammation and reduce the number of microparticles in the body. Laser therapy may also be used to help remove damaged cells and improve lung function. If these methods do not help, a lung transplant or removal of part of the lungs may be necessary.