Syphilis Latent

Latent syphilis

Syphilis is one of the most common infections in the world. This disease occurs at different stages and has different manifestations. One of the most dangerous forms of the disease is the latent (hidden) form. But what is it, how does it manifest itself and what consequences can it have for a person? In this article we will tell you about the latent form of syphilis.

Latent form of syphilis

The latent form of syphilitic infection occurs in the absence of any signs of the disease. In this case, the infection does not appear visually and may go unnoticed. However, the disease can lead to serious consequences for the patient's health.

The causes of the latent form of syphilis are not fully understood. There are several hypotheses about this, but none of them have been proven precisely. One of them assumes that the infected organism fights the disease in all possible ways to suppress the infection. Thus, the infection fails to reach full development, and the disease becomes latent.

Symptoms of latent syphilitic disease may include changes in the skin