
Most people will say that the most important thing in their job is the ability to work with information. To gain specific knowledge, experience, and useful skills, it is not enough to read a couple of books on your specialty; you need to learn practical skills directly on the job. You need to learn from a master who will not see in you only experience, age and even money, but will see your personality. How to become a professional? It becomes simple - you need to learn the theory, from a variety of sources, and training videos that YouTube services offer us. And now, without further ado, our journey to the World of Information Techniques begins!

And the first thing you should learn before you start looking for a job is not to work for free. It’s best if you just want to start your journey, then get a job in some store, boutique, cash register or service center. There you can always gain invaluable experience in working with people. If you are still in school, then get a job as a cleaner, event organizer, or courier. Or work remotely, for example on social networks. Take 50-70 hours a week with pay based on hours worked. This happened in many Russian cities back then. This is better than working under an unpaid internship contract. Almost always such “internships” are paid, at least at the level of a small salary. And in general, in my opinion