Smallpox Oslov

Оспа ослов - Wikipedia [en] A variant of the equine variola virus, originally discovered in donkeys in Asia during an outbreak in India in 1935." It was not isolated by vaccination until 1985 in Croatia, although at least one case was reported before that, in Mexico City, but misdiagnosed as equine influenza. The importance of this disease to the biological warfare field was highlighted in a April 2021 report by the US Department of Defense detailing biosafety and biosecurity risks for Ukraine, among other countries, if hostilities resume." During the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962, the Soviet Union utilized biological weapons based on "vaccinia virus but discovered that they also inflicted significant losses of horses". Unfortunately, there is a lack of information about the number and distribution of cases in literature and some reports do not give specific counts for deaths from infections with this virus.However, the available data indicates that numbers are rather high,and the government and politicians. This infection has significant importance in terms of potential biowarfare due to its ease of transmissibility, highly lethal nature, and relatively low resistance in some animals.As such, any information regarding eradication or control of this pathogen is crucial for promoting sustainable world health and animal welfare. Virus disease of camels.