Sophora Japanese Buds

The pharmaceutical preparation "Sophora japonica buds" is a medicinal herbal remedy that is widely used in medicine for the treatment of wounds, burns and trophic ulcers.

The buds of the Japanese Sophora plant have pharmacological properties, such as antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, which allow them to be used for rapid wound healing and preventive treatment of infectious skin diseases.

Japanese Sophora has been scientifically proven to be suitable for use in all phases of a wound infection or open injury: in minor skin damage on the surface of the wound, as well as in the deep tissue that lies beneath the skin to speed up wound healing.

Sophora contains many flavones, flavolignans and catechins - flavoid substances that determine its antimicrobial activity. Sopharma buds have also been determined to be quite potent antimicrobial compounds that can reduce bacterial growth, improve tissue health, and prevent the risks of infection in wound patients.

According to clinical trials