Sore throat Chronic

Chronic sore throat: causes, symptoms and treatment

Chronic tonsillitis, also known as stable tonsillitis or stable angina, is a heart disease that is characterized by regular attacks of chest pain or discomfort in the sternum. It is a form of coronary heart disease (CHD) and is caused by insufficient supply of blood and oxygen to the heart muscle.

The cause of chronic tonsillitis is usually a narrowing of the coronary arteries, which supply the heart with blood. This narrowing can be caused by the accumulation of fatty deposits and the formation of blood clots inside the arteries, which prevents normal blood supply to the heart muscle. Risk factors for developing chronic tonsillitis include smoking, high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, obesity and hereditary predisposition.

The main symptom of chronic tonsillitis is burning pain or discomfort in the chest area, which can spread to the neck, shoulders, arms and back. These pain sensations most often occur during physical activity or emotional stress and are relieved with rest or medication. Other symptoms may include shortness of breath, nausea, weakness and loss of consciousness.

The diagnosis of chronic tonsillitis is usually made based on the patient's description of symptoms, medical history, and the results of additional tests, such as an ECG (electrocardiogram), exercise tests, and coronary angiography. Coronary angiography is an invasive procedure that uses contrast material to visualize the heart's arteries and determine how narrowed they are.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis is aimed at relieving symptoms, preventing progression of the disease and reducing the risk of cardiac complications. This may include lifestyle changes such as smoking cessation, weight control, physical activity and healthy eating. Your doctor may also prescribe medications such as nitrates, beta blockers, and aspirin to relieve symptoms and improve blood flow to the heart.

In some cases where conservative treatment is ineffective, invasive procedures such as angioplasty or coronary artery bypass surgery may be required. Angioplasty involves widening narrowed arteries with a balloon or stents to restore normal blood flow. Coronary artery bypass surgery involves creating a bypass for blood to bypass narrowed areas of the arteries.

It is important to note that chronic tonsillitis requires constant medical supervision and appropriate management. Patients with chronic tonsillitis should follow the doctor's recommendations, take prescribed medications, monitor changes in their condition and seek help if new or worsening symptoms occur.

In conclusion, chronic tonsillitis is a heart disease characterized by attacks of chest pain or discomfort. It is caused by narrowing of the coronary arteries and requires a comprehensive approach to treatment, including lifestyle changes, medications and, in some cases, invasive procedures. Timely diagnosis and management of chronic tonsillitis helps improve the quality of life of patients and reduce the risk of cardiac complications.