Alternating Consciousness

Alternating Consciousness: Immersion in the world of duality

Alternating consciousness, also known as split consciousness, is an amazing and mysterious phenomenon that has attracted the attention of researchers and philosophers for a long time. This is a state where human consciousness perceives itself as two or more separate identities existing in one physical body.

Although alternating consciousness is rare, it nevertheless attracts the interest of researchers from various fields such as neurobiology, psychology and philosophy. One of the most well-known forms of alternating consciousness is personality disorder with alternating personalities (APPD). People suffering from this disorder periodically experience changes in their personality, including their speech patterns, behavior and preferences.

The scientific explanation for alternating consciousness still remains unclear. However, there are several hypotheses that try to reveal the nature of this phenomenon. One of these hypotheses connects alternating consciousness with dissociative processes.

Alternating consciousness or personality disorder is a condition in which a person temporarily loses control over his behavior, but retains clarity of thought. This mental illness is accompanied by changes in a person's mood, emotions, thoughts and motivation. Consciousness of duality is a rather rare state of human consciousness, in which one behavior is not realized by him, and in turn is considered random. Consciousness is fragmented when different parts of a person's activities and behavior are separated and weakly connected. One of the manifestations of such a state may be ignoring certain parts of the surrounding world or perceiving this world in a different light. Hyper-reactivity syndrome