Spasokukotsky drainage

Drainage systems in houses and cottages

Drainage is not as simple a concept as it seems. We all just see a hole in the floor in the basement, from which puddles spread across the surface. Yes, even the simplest thing can be called a system if desired. But what if it is sometimes very unpleasant for you to be in this hole? Or, for example, are you building a bathhouse without many years of construction experience, but are designing a full-fledged system based on theoretical knowledge? Do you think it’s possible to do without a drainage system at all? Do we even have a choice?

We need water in many life processes. For example, it is needed for the formation of urine - 98%. Also, water is the main component of blood and occupies about 85% of the volume. With the exception of the extremely small amount of water in the body, all other fluids come from water. Water is involved in milk production and is found in plant and animal products. Only with her participation can the process of digestion occur. If we consider the process of human (or animal) nutrition from the production of products in its body, then water (mainly) will be used to produce only two groups of products - proteins (proteins) and lipids (fats and carbohydrates).

Any disruption to these processes will cause serious problems. The biggest problem lies in the lack of water: dehydration. The latter is mainly talked about by residents of hot countries, when the level and quality of water leaves much to be desired. Although even in the most unfavorable conditions a person is able to retain water inside the body or obtain it from food. Water today is receiving more and more attention both in medicine and in all areas of activity. Water is processed and purified, going through technological stages using mechanical (settling, filtration, thickening), physico-chemical (adsorption, reverse osmosis) and biological (splitting) methods. After treatment, the water receives clean drinking status. This formation of drinking water from natural sources through special technology allows us to produce healthy water suitable for human drinking and maintaining the vital activity of his cells.