
Sphygmo-: Study of pulsation and heartbeat

Sphygmo- (from the Greek "sphygnos", meaning "pulse" or "pulsation") is a prefix used in medical terms related to the study of the pulsation and beating of the heart. This prefix is ​​used to denote various concepts, methods and procedures associated with the assessment of pulsation and pulse waves.

One of the most famous examples of the use of the prefix "sphygmo-" is the term "sphygmomanometer" - a device used to measure blood pressure. A sphygmomanometer consists of a cuff that is placed on the patient and a pressure gauge that displays pressure values. Blood pressure measurement is based on the detection and evaluation of arterial pulsation.

The study of pulsation and heartbeat is important for diagnosing and monitoring the condition of the cardiovascular system. Arterial pulsation reflects heart rhythm, the force of heart contraction and the elasticity of the arterial walls. Pulsatility assessment can help identify abnormalities such as arrhythmias, atherosclerosis, hypertension and other diseases.

One of the methods for studying pulsation is pulsometry. This method allows you to measure pulse rate, rhythm and characteristics. Pulsemetry can be performed manually by palpating the pulse in various arteries, such as the carotid artery in the neck, the radial artery in the wrist, or the femoral artery in the groin area. There are also electronic devices that automatically measure your pulse and can provide more detailed pulse information.

Another example of the use of the prefix "sphygmo-" is the term "sphygmogram". A sphygmogram is a graphical representation of arterial pulsations. It can be obtained using special devices called sphygmographs, which record the pulsation and convert it into graphic form. A sphygmogram can be a useful tool for analyzing pulse waves, assessing arterial stiffness, and identifying pathological changes.

Thus, the prefix “sphygmo-” in medical terms is associated with the study of the pulsation and beating of the heart. It is used to refer to pulsatility measurement methods such as pulsometry and instruments such as the sphygmomanometer and sphygmograph. Pulsation testing is important for diagnosing and monitoring the condition of the cardiovascular system, as well as for identifying pathological changes associated with the heart and arteries. Understanding pulsation and pulse waves helps doctors and healthcare professionals evaluate heart function, identify abnormalities, and take appropriate action to treat and improve the health of patients.

Sphygmo is associated with the basic functions that provide vital organs with blood and oxygen. Studying the pulsation and beating of the heart helps determine the state of the cardiovascular system, as well as evaluate the effectiveness of treatment and rehabilitation of patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

In conclusion, sphygmo- is an important prefix in medical terms related to the study of the pulsation and beating of the heart. It is used to refer to pulsatility measurement methods such as pulsometry and devices such as sphygmomanometer and sphygmograph. Heart pulsation testing is an important tool for diagnosing and monitoring the state of the cardiovascular system, as well as for identifying pathological changes and taking appropriate measures to treat and improve the health of patients.

Sphygmoma is one of the most common skin tumors that develops from the wall of venous vessels and is usually not life-threatening. Its main manifestations are a flat, wide formation that rises above the skin. Its color can vary from red to bluish-purple. Some patients complain of itching and pain at its location.

Most often it occurs after severe infectious diseases such as influenza or tonsillitis, as well as scarlet fever, measles and pneumonia.

The tumor is growing quite quickly. Doctors call this the "lipomatous type." From the inside, the contents of the lipoma can