IUD Intrauterine

Intrauterine device: an effective contraceptive with German quality

The intrauterine device, also known as the IUD (intrauterine system), is one of the most reliable and popular methods of contraception. It is a small device inserted into a woman's uterine cavity to prevent pregnancy. The intrauterine device operates based on the release of hormones or the use of copper, depending on the type of device.

The country producing intrauterine devices is Germany, known for its high quality production of medical devices and pharmaceuticals. One of the leading manufacturers of intrauterine devices on the world market is the company Schering AG, which offers a wide range of devices of various types and models.

There are several types of intrauterine devices, but they all work on the principle of preventing fertilization. Some types of IUDs contain hormonal components, such as progesterone, which are released gradually and have a contraceptive effect. Other types of IUDs, such as copper-coated IUDs, do not contain hormones and work by creating an unfavorable environment for sperm, blocking their movement and ability to fertilize an egg.

The intrauterine device is a long-term method of contraception that has advantages over other methods. One of the main advantages is a high degree of reliability. A correctly installed intrauterine device is highly effective in preventing pregnancy, and the chance of becoming pregnant if used correctly is virtually eliminated.

In addition, the intrauterine device is a convenient method of contraception that does not require daily use or constant monitoring. After installation, the IUD can remain in the uterine cavity for several years, depending on the type of IUD and the doctor's recommendations.

However, before installing an intrauterine device, you should consult your doctor to make sure it is suitable for your particular case. The doctor will conduct the necessary examinations and tell you about possible side effects and contraindications.

In conclusion, the intrauterine device is an effective and convenient method of contraception offered by leading manufacturers from Germany, such as Schering AG. Due to its high reliability, the intrauterine device allows women to control their reproductive health and plan their family life.