
Splanchnology is a science that studies the internal organs of humans and animals. It is one of the main disciplines in anatomy and physiology.

Internal organs are organs that are found inside the body and perform various functions. These include the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, pancreas, spleen, lymph nodes and other organs.

Splanchnology studies the structure, functions and development of internal organs, as well as their interaction with each other. She also studies diseases related to internal organs and their treatment methods.

One of the main methods for studying splanchnology is microscopic analysis of tissues and organs. This allows scientists to determine the structure and function of organs, as well as identify possible diseases.

In addition, splanchnology is closely related to other sciences, such as biology, medicine and pharmacology. It helps scientists better understand the processes occurring in the human body and develop new methods for treating diseases.

Thus, splanchnology is an important science that helps us better understand the functioning of our body and develop new methods of treating various diseases.


Splanchnology is a branch of anatomy that studies the structure and functions of human internal organs. It is one of the most important sections of medical science, as it allows us to understand the processes occurring inside the human body. The study of planschology is important for understanding the functioning of the human digestive, respiratory and reproductive systems, as well as for diagnosing and treating various diseases.

Main sections of splanchology