
In humans, different processes occur in the brain. They lead to the emergence of emotions, actions, and reactions to external stimuli. However, situations may arise when a person “goes astray” in his thoughts, actions, and emotions. A mistake occurs - a disruption in the functioning of the human brain. This is due to the nervous processes of excitation and inhibition occurring within. If there is an uneven distribution of these processes, a disorder occurs. Severe depression or hysteria, absent-mindedness or drug addiction, and imbalance of the nervous system may begin. As a result, the brain simply stops working, and higher processes of brain activity are disrupted. The body is completely damaged. Serious health problems arise that cannot be cured in any way.

The collision is also characterized by severe stress and irritation, excessive emotionality. It seems to a person that all the people around him are opposed to him. Fear of the people around you and the world as a whole appears. A person’s thoughts are chaotic, there is no sense of security, and hopelessness sets in. All this is accompanied by a feeling of guilt and blame for one’s actions and words. A person becomes aggressive, he does not control his actions. However, after apathy sets in, hatred of oneself and the people around them, sharp indifference sets in. It is human nature to feel distant from oneself and from the outside world. Despair and humiliation, pain and pity for other people reign in the heart. A crisis and catastrophe sets in, in which life becomes unbearable. Human life is coming to an end and there may be no point in living anymore.

As a result of inhibition of nervous processes, melancholy may occur. Sometimes apathy and depression occur. Therefore, a conflict can be expressed on several levels at once: physical, emotional and mental. And if the brain malfunctions for a long time, the health condition may worsen. And at such a moment a person needs psychiatric help. Cases have long been known when a disorder (neurosis) affected a person’s health at moments when he found himself in a state of some kind of catastrophe or severe stress. The manifestation of uncontrollable impulses is often observed in people who have high nervous tension.