Stage of Medical Evacuation in Military Medicine

Medical evacuation stage in military medicine

***Military medicine*** is a system of activities carried out in peacetime and wartime, aimed at preserving the health of military personnel and the civilian population of territories located in the war zone, through scientific research and development, and the exchange of scientific knowledge. First medical aid provided at the stage of medical evacuation is the implementation of measures to eliminate or reduce the threat to the life of the wounded (sick), ensuring their safety on the roads at all stages of medical evacuation and at the place of permanent accommodation; preparing the wounded and sick for the upcoming evacuation, temporarily maintaining the functions of organs, systems and the human body. Medical posts Medical posts are deployed in the training area or area. The health center can provide various types of medical care. The number of personnel at the medical center is 7-8 people. During evacuation, the head of the regiment's medical service may follow the wounded and sick at medical centers. A medical van is also assigned to evacuate the wounded and sick. Locations for deployment of medical posts: 1) Near traffic routes

Stage of Medical Evacuation in Military Medicine

The medical evacuation phase is a medical process that includes a series of medical measures aimed at providing first aid in cases of combat injuries or other medical problems among military personnel. The medical evacuation phase is a key element in maintaining the health and safety of army soldiers and officers. In this article, we will look at what the medical evacuation phase involves and how it works in the field of military medicine.

What is medical evacuation?

Medical evacuation is the process of transporting patients and injured people from the scene of an accident to a medical facility where they will receive specialized care. The medical evacuation phase includes the work of many services and units, such as doctors, nurses, orderlies and transporters. The goal of medical evacuation is to ensure the safety of the injured and provide them with the necessary medical care as quickly as possible. How does the medical evacuation phase work?

Each military member has his own characteristics and needs for medical care. This phase of medical evacuation helps address these challenges by working alongside military medics, military rescue units and medical personnel, and local health care agencies. Doctors' work

During the medical evacuation phase, doctors conduct an initial examination of the patient, establish a diagnosis, and determine what treatment methods need to be applied. They then decide whether the patient is suitable for evacuation or should remain for further treatment. If the decision is made to transport, the doctor will have to work quickly, since the journey with the victims may take some time. After examination, doctors prescribe treatment and develop a transportation plan. They take into account factors such as the state of evacuation, the availability of suitable equipment and qualified personnel, etc. Treatment may include, but is not limited to, restoration of breathing, blood flow, cardiac and mental status, and resuscitation.