Staphyloma Sclera Ciliary

Staphyloma of the sclera ciliary is a serious eye disease that can lead to deterioration of vision and even loss of the eye. This condition is characterized by protrusion of the sclera in the region of the ciliary body, resulting in the formation of a pouch or sac.

Symptoms of scleral ciliary staphyloma may include eye pain, blurred vision, headaches, and a feeling of pressure in the eye. The disease can be caused by various factors, including eye injury, glaucoma, inflammation of the eye and other factors.

The diagnosis of ciliary scleral staphyloma can be made by an experienced ophthalmologist based on symptoms and the result of an eye examination. To confirm the diagnosis, additional research methods may be used, such as ultrasound of the eye, computed tomography, etc.

Treatment of staphyloma of the ciliary sclera