
A sterilizer is a device designed to destroy microorganisms and viruses on various surfaces. It is used in medical institutions, laboratories, as well as in the food industry and other industries where a high degree of sterility is required.

Sterilizers can be of different types and methods of operation. Some work based on heat, others rely on chemicals or ultraviolet light. Medical institutions use gas sterilizers that can destroy all microorganisms on the surface.

One of the main advantages of sterilizers is their efficiency. They allow you to destroy all bacteria and viruses on the surface, which reduces the risk of infection and the spread of infections. In addition, sterilizers can be used to process instruments and equipment, which is important in medical institutions and laboratories.

However, it must be borne in mind that sterilizers are not absolutely safe. Some of the chemicals used in them can be toxic and hazardous to human health. Also, when using gas sterilizers, safety precautions must be observed to avoid gas poisoning.

Overall, sterilizers are an important tool for ensuring safety and hygiene in various industries. They help prevent the spread of infections and ensure safety for people and the environment.