Hair Shaft

Hair shaft: what is it and how does it affect hair health

The hair shaft, also known as the scapus pili or hair shaft, is one of the main parts of the hair. It is a cylindrical structure consisting of horny substance that is located inside the scalp and extends to the tip of the hair.

The hair shaft plays an important role in hair health. It is responsible for the strength of the hair, its shape and texture. In addition, the hair shaft is where the melanin cells are located, which determine the color of the hair.

The hair shaft also has connections with the sebaceous glands, which are located in the scalp. Sebaceous glands produce sebum, which is a natural moisturizer for the hair and scalp. Thanks to this bonding mechanism, the hair shaft can receive the necessary nutrition and care.

However, if the hair shaft is exposed to harsh factors such as UV rays, chemicals and heat treatments, it can become weak and brittle. This can lead to hair loss and other hair health problems.

To maintain the health of the hair shaft and the entire hair, it is necessary to ensure proper nutrition and care. Washing your hair regularly, using conditioners and hair masks, and limiting your exposure to harsh factors can help keep your hair healthy for the long term.

Overall, the hair shaft is an important part of the hair that plays an important role in its health and appearance. Following proper hair care and avoiding harsh factors will help maintain the health of the hair shaft and the hair as a whole.

Article "Hair shaft"

Title: ***Hair Shaft: The Key to a Healthy Hair Brush*** ``` Introduction Human hair is one of nature's most unique and interesting creations. They perform many functions, from protecting our body to creating an aesthetic appearance. Each hair on the head or other parts of the body consists of three layers: the cuticle, the cortex, and the inner layer. In this article, we will learn more about the hair shaft and how its condition affects the health of our hair brush.

What is a hair shaft? The hair shaft is the inner part of each hair that lies below the surface of the skin. It consists of a durable protein material - keratin, which is responsible for the structure, strength and elasticity of the hair.