Stomatitis Mercury

Mercury stomatitis (S. mercurialis) is an inflammatory disease of the oral mucosa caused by exposure to mercury in the body. This disease can occur as a result of long-term use of drugs containing mercury, such as silver amalgams. Mercury has a pronounced toxic effect on most living organisms, including humans, and can lead to disruption of the immune system, damage to internal organs and the development of severe forms of disease.

Clinical picture of mercury stomatitis Mercury stomatitis is manifested by various symptoms: the oral mucosa becomes swollen, swelling spreads to the tongue, cheeks, and gums. The fabrics take on a gray-red color. In severe cases of the disease, purulent blisters and bleeding wounds appear. Sensitivity to thermal factors increases significantly, which is reflected in an increased sensation when coming into contact with hot foods or drinks. There may be a feeling of grief in the mouth