Stomatitis Scarring

Cicatricial Stomatitis: Understanding, Symptoms and Treatment

Cicatricial stomatitis, also known as Sutton's aphthae or s. cicatricans, is a type of stomatitis that is characterized by the formation of scars and ulcers on the oral mucosa. This condition can cause discomfort and pain, and in some cases can have a serious impact on the patient's quality of life. In this article we will look at the main aspects of cicatricial stomatitis, its symptoms and treatment methods.

Symptoms of cicatricial stomatitis vary depending on the severity and location of the lesion. Typically, patients complain of painful ulcers on the oral mucosa, which may be surrounded by redness and inflammation. Often these ulcers are oval or circle shaped and can be single or multiple. In some cases, they can progress to the formation of scars, which can lead to limited tongue mobility or the creation of deformities of the mucous membrane.

The causes of cicatricial stomatitis are not yet fully understood, but it is believed that it may be associated with immune disorders, genetic factors, infectious diseases or trauma to the oral mucosa. Some medical research also suggests that stress and poor diet may contribute to the development of cicatricial stomatitis.

To diagnose cicatricial stomatitis, medical consultation is important. Your doctor will examine your mouth, take a medical history, and may order laboratory tests to rule out other possible causes of canker sores.

Treatment for cicatricial stomatitis is aimed at relieving symptoms and speeding up the healing process. Your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs or local anesthetics to relieve pain. It is also recommended to avoid spicy, sour or harsh foods that can irritate the ulcers. In some cases, special gels or ointments may be used to help the ulcers heal and prevent scarring.

If you notice cicatricial stomatitis, it is important to follow your doctor's recommendations and visit your dentist regularly to monitor your oral health. Soft toothbrushes and regular mouth rinsing with a non-greasy antiseptic solution can also help maintain oral hygiene and prevent further infections.

In conclusion, cicatricial stomatitis is a condition that can cause discomfort and pain in patients. It is characterized by the formation of scars and ulcers on the oral mucosa. Although the exact causes of this condition are not yet known, there are methods to relieve symptoms and promote healing. Consultation with a doctor and adherence to his recommendations play an important role in the effective management of cicatricial stomatitis. Maintain good oral hygiene and monitor your health to reduce the risk of this unpleasant condition.

Is this stomatitis a scar?

Stomatitis, or oral ulcerative stomatitis, is an inflammation of the oral mucosa. With this disease, ulcers of various shapes and sizes form in the mouth, covered with a gray coating. The mouth may bleed and hurt. This pathology in most cases is caused by bacterial lesions or other diseases of the oral cavity, but stomatitis can also be triggered by various external influences on the oral cavity, including trauma or irritation from certain chemicals.