Dentistry Orthopedic

Orthopedic dentistry: diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the integrity and functions of teeth and jaws

Orthopedic dentistry is a branch of dentistry devoted to the study and diagnosis of disorders of the integrity and functions of teeth and jaws, as well as the development of methods for their prevention and treatment through prosthetics, the use of replacement and regulating devices. It is one of the most important areas of dentistry because it allows you to maintain the health and aesthetics of your teeth and jaws.

The main task of Orthopedic dentistry is prosthetics of teeth and jaws, including replacing lost teeth, restoring damaged teeth and correcting bites. She also treats dental and jaw defects such as dental anomalies, malocclusions and jaw deformities.

To achieve these goals, Orthopedic dentistry uses a wide range of methods and technologies, including the use of various prosthetics and devices to regulate the bite and align the teeth. These methods may include dental restorations using bridges, crowns, inlays, implants and dentures.

One of the important aspects of Orthopedic dentistry is the diagnosis of diseases of the teeth and jaws. Various methods are used for this, including x-rays, computed tomography and other types of diagnostic procedures. These methods allow you to determine the nature and extent of damage to the teeth and jaws, as well as choose the most appropriate treatment method.

One of the most popular methods of treating diseases of the teeth and jaws is dental implantation. This method allows you to restore lost teeth by inserting artificial implants into the jaw bone. These implants can be made from a variety of materials such as titanium, ceramic or resin materials, and they provide a strong and secure attachment to the teeth.

In general, Prosthodontics is an important field of dentistry that helps maintain the health and aesthetics of teeth and jaws. It uses various methods and technologies to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases of the teeth and jaws, and it continues to develop and improve along with the development of science and technology.

**Orthopedic dentistry is a branch of dentistry (dental art) devoted to the study and restoration of the integrity and function of individual teeth or jaws**.

Specialists in this field are engaged in solving complex problems associated with prosthetics and the use of replacement and adjustable structures. The main task of orthopedic dentistry is to restore the full functioning of the tooth, as well as eliminate the resulting diseases. Key