Streptoderma Diffuse Chronic

Diffuse chronic streptoderma (s. chronica diffusa) is a chronic skin disease characterized by diffuse skin lesions with the formation of infiltrates, scales and cracks.

The causes of the disease are not fully understood. It is assumed that hereditary predisposition, autoimmune reactions, and metabolic disorders play a role in its development. The disease is more common in women and usually begins between the ages of 20-40 years.

Clinically manifested by diffuse skin lesions with the presence of infiltrates, scales, and cracks. The extensor surfaces of the limbs and trunk are affected. The skin takes on the appearance of “goose bumps”. Characterized by itchy skin. The course is chronic, undulating, with periods of exacerbations and remissions.

The diagnosis is made based on the clinical picture and the results of histological examination of the skin. Differential diagnosis is carried out with psoriasis, lichen planus, atopic dermatitis.

Treatment includes external therapy with corticosteroids, antihistamines and keratolytics, and phototherapy. In severe cases, systemic corticosteroids, cytostatics, and retinoids are prescribed. The prognosis depends on the severity of the course and the effectiveness of therapy.

Streptoderma is a skin disease that is manifested by the formation of pustules and inflammatory papules on the skin, accompanied by pain, the formation of crusts covered with scales and peeling plates. It appears on the skin at any age and is accompanied by a contagious, chronic, superficial form. Patients begin to complain of rashes on the extensions of their arms and legs. Older patients are even more susceptible to the disease; the most common areas of inflammation are the lower back and legs. The causes of streptoderma are the penetration of pathogenic pathogens into the skin and the following factors can contribute:

1. Weakened immunity or deficiency of vitamins and minerals in older people and children;

2. Living in areas of high humidity and reduced sunlight;

3. Lack of proper nutrition and poor diet;

4. Vitamin deficiency and decreased protective functions of the body; 5. Hereditary predisposition.

There are a large number of varieties of streptodermatitis, but in almost all cases they manifest themselves in the same way - a pinpoint rash with flaky lesions and crusts appears on different parts of the body. This is the first sign that a process of suppuration is occurring. Diseases can also manifest themselves in the form of cracks, erosions and other elements characterized by inflammation. If you suspect chronic streptoderma in adults, you should consult a specialist and undergo diagnostics, since self-medication and delay in visiting a doctor can lead to worsening of the condition and serious complications.

One of the main symptoms of streptoderma is a skin rash. Swelling, inflammation, tenderness and discomfort may also occur. To diagnose streptodermatitis, you need to consult a dermatologist who will examine the skin and make a diagnosis.