Corrective filter

Corrective filter

A corrective filter is a special optical device that is used to correct distortions caused by various factors, such as lighting, changes in the distance between the object and the camera, and background illumination.

Corrective filters can be used to improve the quality of photographs and videos in various shooting conditions, such as low lighting, long distance shooting, backlight, etc. They allow you to adjust colors, contrast, brightness and other image parameters to get a better picture.

There are several types of corrective filters, each of which has its own characteristics and is used depending on the specific task. For example, neutral density filters are used to reduce the brightness of background lighting, while color-corrected filters allow you to change the colors of an image.

The use of corrective filters is an important element of professional photography and videography, as it allows you to achieve higher quality images and improve their perception by the viewer.