Light Punch

Lightstroke is a condition in which a person's eyes are exposed to intense light, which can lead to temporary or even permanent vision loss. This condition is also known as photostress.

Photostress usually occurs as a result of prolonged exposure of the eyes to bright light. For example, if a person is exposed to bright sun without wearing sunglasses, or if they look at a bright light source, such as a lamp or computer monitor, for an extended period of time.

This exposure to light can lead to temporary blurred vision, headaches, and eye fatigue. In more serious cases, photo stress can cause permanent vision loss.

To avoid photo stress, it is important to take some precautions. First, you should wear sunglasses during bright hours or when working near bright light sources. Secondly, when working at a computer, you should maintain correct ergonomics and install the monitor at the correct height and distance from your eyes.

It's also important to regularly rest your eyes, especially if you work at a computer or spend a lot of time outside during bright hours. It is recommended to pause every 20-30 minutes and look at distant objects to reduce eye strain.

In general, photo stress and light stroke can be serious problems, but taking a few precautions can help avoid them. If you experience vision problems after prolonged exposure to light, you should consult a doctor for professional advice and treatment.