Tablets Acidin-Pepsin

Acidin-Pepsin tablets: an effective remedy for the treatment of digestive disorders

Digestive disorders can be very unpleasant and interfere with normal life. One of the most common symptoms is heartburn, a burning sensation behind the breastbone that can occur after eating or while lying down. Other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, belching, bloating, constipation or diarrhea may also occur. To get rid of these unpleasant symptoms, you can use special medications, such as Acidin-Pepsin tablets.

Acidin-Pepsin tablets are intended for the treatment of digestive disorders that occur with hypo- and anacid gastritis, achylia and dyspepsia. Hypoacid gastritis is characterized by reduced acidity of gastric juice, while with anacid gastritis there is practically no acidity. Ahilia is the complete absence of gastric juice. Dyspepsia is a collection of various symptoms associated with digestive disorders.

The active ingredients of Acidin-Pepsin tablets are fumaricum acidum and pepsin. Acidum fumaricum is a stimulant of stomach acid production and improves digestion. Pepsin is an enzyme that breaks down proteins in food into smaller components such as amino acids.

According to the instructions for use, for adults it is recommended to take 1 tablet of 0.5 g 3-4 times a day, depending on the severity of symptoms. For children, the dosage is determined based on age and health status and can vary from 1/4 tablet (weighing 0.25 g) to 1 tablet (0.25 g) 3-4 times a day. Before use, the tablets are dissolved in 1/4 -1/2 glass of water and taken during or after meals.

Acidin-Pepsin tablets are available in two dosage forms: 0.5 and 0.25 g. They can be purchased in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Acidin-Pepsin tablets are an effective remedy for the treatment of digestive disorders. They relieve symptoms of heartburn, nausea, vomiting, belching, bloating, constipation or diarrhea. However, before starting use, you should consult your doctor to exclude the possibility of unwanted interactions with other drugs and to clarify the dosage in accordance with your individual health conditions. In addition, it is important to maintain the correct pill regimen and follow dietary and lifestyle recommendations to achieve the best results.

In general, Acidin-Pepsin tablets are an affordable and effective remedy for the treatment of digestive disorders. They help cope with unpleasant symptoms and improve the quality of life, ensuring the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. However, before starting use, you must consult your doctor and follow the instructions for use to achieve maximum effectiveness and safety of treatment.